Wednesday, December 3, 2014


How about it, have you scheduled your training for 2015? I mean a REAL calendar which includes training for top management, administrative staff, sales staff, operations management as well as site supervisors and cleaning technicians. 

Let's start with the cleaning techs and site supervisors. What are you doing to be assured they are up to date with the latest information and products you are using? You have heard me talk many times about the need to have a refresher course for all people responsible for the actual cleaning of the customer facilities. Your site supervisors and cleaning techs are your representatives at night in the field. 

 We are all human and get into bad habits when performing a task that many times is the same task every day in the same environment. Most of us don't mean too, we just do. We need for everyone to have a refresher class on what our company cleaning procedures are. And no, just having someone go over it out in the field in a hurry doesn't suffice which brings me again to my opposition of training in the field with an experienced worker. 

How do we know the experienced worker hasn't got into bad habits as well? They too may not mean to, but just do. On the other hand, some of them may have tried to develop shortcuts in our service delivery and if it is a great idea that doesn't short change the customer, shouldn't we all be privy to the information? I rest my case for having a systematic, organized, printed initial training program with scheduled follow up. 

What about the administrative staff? Are they up to date on the latest in invoicing, financial statement preparation, and collection procedures. As I attend the annual industry trade show each year I see more and more outstanding administrative software packages. Are you exploring the opportunities available? This is the education side of keeping up in the industry. 

What about the sales staff? Are you giving them REAL sales training in our industry? Do you have a systematic sales program established for 2015 and beyond? There is no better time than right now to get organized if you haven't done so. (Commercial: check our web site for upcoming sales workshops in

Now, look at the 2015 calendar that BSCAI and ISSA have for training and education of mid level and upper level management. Both associations are working hard at providing information that can be used NOW. 

Many organizations, including ours, provide ongoing training in a variety of subjects. In fact, at Consultants In Cleaning, LLC, our 2015 calendar will also include day long training workshops for both Human Resource staff and Supervisors of a BSC company. 

Be sure to schedule your distributor and manufacturer for technical training sessions. Most do a tremendous job for that is what they are trained to do--teach the end user how to use their products. Many distributors are now providing a service where you can lease a tablet and download instant training subjects while in the field. This is a great step forward in getting useful information immediately to where it is needed most.

So, how about it? Do you have a full education and training calendar for next year. Your growth of new customers and RETENTION of existing customers just might depend on it.

Till next time.

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