As David Holly of Don't Panic Productions, Inc. and I were visiting the other day about possible format and frequency changes to our weekly pod casts, the thought occurred to me that some of the people who read this blog and who are regular readers of Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and heaven knows what else may not be listening to the pod casts that David posts every Monday morning.
How about you? Are you one of the thousands of listeners every week or are you missing out on this learning opportunity? It's FREE so I don't feel bad about promoting it here. The price is certainly right. You're not listening every week you say? Let me suggest you go right now to and sign up in the orange box on the right of the page. Every week we cover something that hopefully helps our listeners to improve their businesses and personal lives.
Another important fact about the pod casts. We DO NOT SOLICIT ANY BUSINESS FROM YOU ONCE YOU SIGN UP. We have people who want to buy our list of subscribers and we have guarded that list diligently. We promised a FREE subscription and we intend to keep it that way.
Another interesting note about our tripodcasts. We archive them so you can go back and listen to as many on whatever subject interests you at the time. For example, episode 140 from February 14, 2011 talks about technology in our business. Episode 218 from April 23, 2012 has the subject of how your altitude in life is in direct contrast to your attitude in life. You can scroll done on the home page and there you will find the various years and by clicking on that year you can see what subjects were covered in each month.
We try to cover a lot of different subjects over the course of a year so hopefully everyone gets something of value from our messages.
Here's another important fact to keep in mind. EACH MESSAGE IS GENERALLY IN THE AREA OF 5 MINUTES SO YOU CAN LISTEN AND GET ON WITH YOUR WEEK AHEAD. Sometimes I get a bit carried away but I try my best to keep it around 5 minutes.
Another factoid to keep in mind. For the past 3 years and we will again this year be doing daily tripodcasts as the BSCAI convention and ISSA tradeshow get closer. Our mission has been to allow as many of the convention speakers as possible provide us with a short, concise briefing on what their session will be about at the convention. These tripodcasts have proven to be extremely popular as we see listenership increase dramatically in the 4-5 weeks leading up to the convention. We have learned that attendees and potential attendees are really interested in hearing the speakers give the overview of their session. It helps them determine which sessions to attend to get maximum value from their time at the show. By the way, this years events will be held in Orlando, Florida the week of November 3-8. Several past convention attendees have told me that these tripodcasts helped them make the decision to attend the convention and they were not disappointed. These are the types of comments that encourage us to continue this free service. Look for these daily tripodcasts to begin around the first of October this year.
So again I ask, are you listening? Your investment is about 5 minutes per week and there just might be something that will help you through that week. And by the way, as you view the home page you will see there is a place for you to make comments. We always encourage comments and do our best to answer them as soon as possible.
Take a listen. We'll both be glad you did. Remember, it's
Till next time.
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