I just finished writing an article for SERVICES magazine with the theme being how to set up an effective training area even if you are crowded for space. It is scheduled for the March/April issue I believe.
I didn't mention that so you would read the article (but I certainly hope you will) but to touch on the some of the alarming facts I found doing research for the article. Here were some of the statistics I found as published by various research firms,
1. Among workers under the age of 25, 40% would love to quit their job.
2. It is anticipated that 22% of all workers will try to quit their job this year.
3. A large number of corporations are starting to recruit part time help for positions that evolve into permanent part time positions. I am sure if you have followed the news regarding the Affordable Health Care Act you have heard about how many employers are cutting hours of existing employees to below 30 per week. That could also have some bearing on the numbers in item 1 and 2 above. Whether it does or doesn't, the fact remains that as large corporations recruit part time help and train those workers, where does that leave a Building Service Contractor also trying to hire that part time worker? HERE IS A QUESTION,
That's a question we should probably have had an answer for a long time ago and maybe you do, but it could be even more important to you as more "players" enter the market for the same work force we recruit.
4. More and more large corporations are holding career days or participating in career days at HIGH SCHOOLS. They are trying to interest them at an earlier age to start thinking about what they plan to do. I am all for that and am happy to see business more involved in the school system. The question---WHAT ARE WE DOING AT THE HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL TO ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO CONSIDER CAREERS IN OUR INDUSTRY?
So...are you prepared to meet the challenges that may face you regarding labor in 2014? If so, congratulations. If not, you might want to give some thought to how your company will compete.What advantages does your company offer? What should you be doing that you presently don't do?
It could be a tough year for those companies that do "business as usual". Then again, who knows, the surveyers and prodnosticators may be all wrong. I am betting that at least some of what they say will happen. And if we prepare and it doesn't happen we have just put ourselves in a very nice competitive position.
You may have noticed the surveys said the corporations plan to hire AND TRAIN part time workers. Maybe one of the places we should start is to make sure we have a sound, consistent, effective training program in place. You may recall one of the major reasons we lose our employees is that they don't receive adequate training.
This whole work force subject of part time vs. full time will receive a lot of attention in the months and years to come. Some will be true, some speculation, but all of it can help us become better at our business. Remember, successful business people are those that not only sit up and take notice, but get up and take action. Will you?
As always I welcome your comments and questions on my writiings. I hope your year is not a tough year but one in which you prosper.
Don't forget to listen to our weekly pod cast at www.tripodcast.com. This week we talked about garbage.
Till next time.
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