Monday, September 9, 2013


Last week we talked about Training vs. Learning and pointed out some of the differences between adult learning and children learning. Did you follow my suggestion and review your training to see if you are training adults using children techniques?

This week I want to visit about making the training fun. We are going to focus in this session on classroom training as opposed to on line training. Most people I know hate it when they have to go for more training etc. so our job is to make it as enjoyable as possible. I found that, for the most part, the more fun we can have during the learning process the more we are going to learn. For example, don't be afraid to tell a joke on yourself. Maybe how you tried to perform a task and how you made a fool of yourself in the process. In my book, Finding Training and Keeping GREAT Service Employees,  I cite several examples of yours truly doing just that. People like to know that you had to learn as well and that you weren't born knowing everything about the subject matter.

USE LOTS OF PROPS. I always make sure we have lots of colored magic markers and several pads of paper on an easel to write things down during the exercises we use, which are many. Change color of magic markers as you write. It is a known training fact that people like color in their classroom learning experiences. In the supervisors training class that I have done at probably 30+ companies, I use hats, whistles, passports, police badges and other silling things to make a point. I may look silly at times, but I think we get the point across.

Offer prizes for correct answers. I suggest you make up several envelopes with different bills like $5,$10,$20 and/or gift certificates to food stores, fast food restaurants etc. You will be amazed at how spending just a few dollars on a few prizes will get participation in a training class. Have them draw an envelope for a great answer. Don't hand it to them or it may appear you are determining who gets what prize.

By the way, I have found that people who are bashful or don't want to speak up in a group setting will all of a sudden find their inner self when you start awarding cash prizes or gift certificates when they participate in the exercise. You soon find atendees asking after nearly every correct answer if that answer qualified for a prize. The participation really helps along the learning process.

Earlier I mentioned doing lots of exercises. These are fun and really engage people in the learning process. One suggestion on doing exercises. Whenever possible, use round tables with 5 or 6 at a table. In this way you get more participation and then have 1 leader report that tables exercise answers to the entire group. As I said earlier, some people are not comfortable speaking in front of large groups and by having them at a small group table they feel much more comfortable and willing to participate.

In my own organization I saw people who had knees knocking just to talk to 3 or 4 people become outstanding trainers of large groups and I really believe it was because they had a chance to start small and build their confidence.

I hope you got some ideas that can help you spark your training program. I would love to hear about ways you have done effective training. You can contact me through my web site at

Till next time.

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