A few years ago a friend of mine with Ecolob Corporation supplied me with a video CD of one of their internal documents that was also the theme of their company that particular year. It was entitled "The Quest For Excellence". It has become a mainstay of many of the workshops I do. I thought I would share with you some of the thoughts of that video. I will not supply the music but there is a beautiful song that goes with it. Let me know your thoughts on the Quest For Excellence.
--Take time to smell the roses.
--Never deprive someone of hope. It may be all they have.
--Don't be afraid to say "I'm sorry".
--Don't be afraid to say "I'm wrong".
--Take a nap on Sunday afternoon.
--Give thanks before every meal.
--Don't interrupt.
--Don't take good health for granted.
--Don't tailgate.
--Listen to your children.
--Leave everything better than you found it.
--Leave the toilet seat in the down position.
--Keep your promises.
--Don't be a quitter.
--Be kinder than necessary.
--Make it a habit to do things for people who will never find out.
--Keep good company.
--Take good care of those you love.
--Learn to listen.
--Be a good loser.
--Be romantic.
--Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, integrity and honor they think of you.
--Never refuse homemade brownies.
--Sing in the shower.
--Don't nag.
--Don't gossip.
--Don't expect money to bring you happiness.
--Be forgiving of yourself and others. (well, most others)
--Never give up on people---miracles happen every day.
--Say please a lot.
--Say thank you a lot.
--Take your dog to obedience school--you will both learn a lot.
--Slow dance.
--Don't postpone jobs you need to do.
--Take responsibility for every aspect of your life.
--Take care of your reputation--it's your most valuable asset.
--Count your blessings.
--Marry only for love.
--Call your mother.
--Do more than is expected.
--Be there when people need you.
--Be someone's hero.
--Exceed your customer's expectations.
--Drink 8 glasses of water every day.
So there you have it. Some great thoughts for living, aren't they? I could probably do a blog on each one, but won't. Anything you need improvement on? If so, today will be a great day to start the process of improvement.
Let me know what you think. Send me a message on Linkedin or through my web site. Would love to get your comments and suggestions for other items that should maybe be on the list for the Quest For Excelllence.
We have a special guest the week of April 29 on our free pod cast. It can be heard at www.tripodcast.com. Listen and let us know what you think. You can comment on the web site right after you have seen and listened.
Till next time.
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