Thursday, August 21, 2014


Well, here we go again. In many parts of the country school has or is about to begin. Many other states will begin shortly after Labor day in September. All of this means that for our children and grandchildren it is back to work becoming more learned and gaining more knowledge in a variety of subjects.

So let me ask you. As a professional business leader, what are you doing to learn more about this great industry? What parts of your business are you committing to becoming more skilled? You have heard me say and write many times that if you will spend 20 minutes a day learning more about what it is you do in your business life, within 5 years you will be considered one of the experts in the industry. My guess is that we could all find 20 minutes a day to devote to becoming better at what we do if we really made the effort. 

In this age of instant information it becomes pretty easy to learn more about different aspects of our industry. Think of some of the ways,

--There are several publications that come out every month or every other month devoted specifically to our industry such as SERVICES, CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT, ISSA TODAY and on the internet, CLEANING BUSINESS TODAY.  Each of these publications have articles on a variety of subjects to help us. In addition, you can sign up to receive daily or weekly e-mails from various companies on things happening in the industry. I get several a week and they help keep me abreast of what is going on. In addition, Linkedin has numerous groups you can sign up for and have ongoing discussions with other industry professionals. I know I learn a lot from the 12 or 13 groups I am linked to. Then, of course, there are the numerous other social media outlets you can subscribe too as well.

--Many companies now offer webinars on specific subjects that you can register for, many of them at no charge, and usually only an hour in length. There is 3 times the 20 minutes a day to set aside to learn more. NO, that doesn't mean you can skip 2 days, it just means you become even more knowledgeable.

--In a couple of months we will have the opportunity to travel to Orlando, Florida to spend a week or part of a week at the ISSA trade show and/or the BSCAI convention. These are jam packed days where thousands of industry leaders can learn an awful lot in a small amount of time. Have you registered? If not, let me suggest you go right now to and get signed up. That site will also direct you to the hotel site for your lodging needs. 

I would be remiss if I didn't alert you to our own company which has  new videos just released on Training Supervisors and Discipline Training for BSCs.  In addition, we will be introducing some new ones in Orlando. We will also be introducing some exciting new ideas for 2015 at the convention so we really hope to visit with as many of you as we can in November in Orlando. Just in case you forgot, our website is Soon we will have information posted on the website about the 2015 schedule of new stuff. Well, enough of the commercial, let's get back to what you are or are not doing to learn more.

So it is back to school time for the children. Let me suggest to you that there is no better time than NOW to become better educated and a sought after professional in the service industry we have chosen. Let's get back to LEARNING MORE.

Till next time. Have a wonderful Labor Day holiday.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


If you are one of our many listeners and viewers of the weekly tripodcast you may have noticed they have not been published for several weeks. Many of you have contacted me asking about the status and so Ima gonna tell ya. 

On June 25 without notice the company who has provided the host site for us to publish them decided to discontinue that division of their business and so we were left without a way to get them to you. 

We have made many attempts to recover our archived information and mailing list etc. but to no avail. They have been very difficult to work with but out of every difficult situation comes another new opportunity. 

We are working diligently to rebuild the site and be up and going again on another platform as soon as possible. When that occurs we will be letting everyone know through this blog, different social media outlets and any other vehicle that we can communicate with everyone. 

One very exciting thing we are working on,is soon we will begin to record our annual sessions with the BSCAI convention speakers. This is always an exciting time and gives our listeners an opportunity to get a sense of what each session will be about. These pod casts are heard DAILY leading up to the convention so you hear about 20 or so industry professionals discuss some very important subjects that you will be able to hear in their entirety at the convention.

This year we will be kicking off the pod casts with an interview with convention chairman, Paul Greenland, President of Aetna Building Maintenance headquartered in Columbus Ohio. Paul and his committee have done an excellent job of putting together a jam packed several days of learning and he will be sharing some of the highlights in our interview. 

In case you haven't yet registered for the convention to be held in Orlando, Florida, November 5-8, you can do so by going to the BSCAI web site at and completing the registration form. There you will also find a link to secure your hotel registration. 

So, back to the tripodcast broadcasts. Let me assure you it is our intention to be up and going soon with exciting pod casts. In addition to the sessions leading up to the convention, we have already scheduled some very interesting people to share their insights with us in 2015. 

That is what happened to the weekly tripodcasts. Hard to believe someone can just stop operating but they did. We will come back strong soon. Thanks so much for your patience and we will be notifying everyone as soon as we have a date to restart the broadcasts.  We are excited and are anxious to share all the subjects we have on the schedule.