Monday, January 5, 2015


Well, here we are beginning another year. I hope your 2014 was a prosperous one and you are poised for a record year in 2015. But as we begin a new year I believe it is important for us to take a look at our own companies and do a hard self analysis as to what we really have to offer our current and prospective customers. So let me give you some ideas on how to grade yourself. 

First, ask yourself and your staff,  

WHY SHOULD ANYONE BUY FROM US?--If your response is we have been in business a long time you have some work to do. Hundreds of companies have been in business a long time and my question is have you been in business, say 20 years, or have you been in business 1 year, 19 times over. Some companies feel "we've always done it this way" and it will continue to work but most likely that is an incorrect assumption. 

There are other stock answers that don't hold water today such as "we have trained personnel" or "we only provide quality service". If you can't provided actual measurable proof of these claims they become old standard sales talk only. 

So, what does make you different? Systems and processes? Real measurable training that you can prove to a prospect? Special software like Paperless Proposal or Janitorial Manager or TEAM or CleanTelligent? 

If you can't really identify and quantify truthfully what sets you apart then I suggest you follow the steps outlined below to improve your organization,

1.  Identify 1 or 2 items that you want to focus on as major selling points for your company.

2. Discuss how YOUR company will benefit from focusing on and developing these qualities. How will you as individuals benefit?

3. How will your prospects and customers benefit from this or these qualities. Are they qualities that will set you apart from your competitors? How will they set you apart?

4.What special skills will you need to develop to advance these qualities? What training will be required and for which members of your staff and where will you get that training? THIS STEP IS CRITICAL IN THE PROCESS.

5. What are the major obstacles your company and its staff will have to overcome to professionally develop the qualities you have decided to focus on?

6. Who are the people or organizations that can help you develop these qualities such as BSCAI, ISSA, peer groups, industry specific consultants etc.?

7. From all of these discussions, develop a step by step plan of action. This means assigning responsibilities and time lines for completion of each step.

8. Decide on an overall completion date as to when you will be ready to announce to the world the reasons a prospect should buy from you.

This blog has only scratched the surface on how to set yourself apart from your competition but I hope it has motivated you to take an inward look at your company as we start a brand new year. If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the points just send us a message or call us at 573.374.1111. Be happy to assist.
So in closing, determine what it is that sets your company apart from the competition, then define it further and make it a part of your everyday life and sales presentation. If you don't know what sets you apart, follow our 8 steps outlined above and soon you will be a company that can truly tell people why they should buy from you. 

Don't forget to register for our upcoming SELLING CONTRACT CLEANING SERVICES workshop in Orlando, Fl. Friday, March 6. Details are available at  
Hope to see as many of you as possible at the event. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR. Till next time.   

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